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Compassion user interface
The challenge

Speed up payments, scale for growth, and streamline operations with automation

Compassion had been working on a project to expedite payments, create strategies for scalable growth and introduce task automation. Throughout this piece of work they met a number of challenges and it was at this point they enlisted the support of Mudbath.

Compassion were facing constraints due to outdated software closely associated with Salesforce. Compounding these challenges was a shortage of resources, delaying the development of their desired future state architecture.

A notable bottleneck emerged as Salesforce struggled with processing a high volume of payment transactions, leading to delays. Additionally, the use of a restrictive development language presented constraints, limiting Compassion’s ability to introduce new features and customisations seamlessly. If these issues couldn’t be fixed, it would block their future endeavours.

Compassion user interface
The approach

Streamlined focus on architectural solutions, documentation, feature discovery, and seamless collaboration

At Mudbath, our main focus was on a few key things: designing service layers, creating Solution Architecture documents, and discovering new features. We followed clear guidelines for feature requirements using Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD), and we documented everything thoroughly, including technical specs and API integrations.

Our development process involved several releases based on feature priority, letting us roll out updates in a structured way. We also kept in constant touch with third-party vendors to make sure everything aligned smoothly.

The outcomes
  • Scalability for future expansion
  • Automation of tasks in the support portal
  • Efficient processing of payments
  • API integrations allowing multiple platforms to communicate
Compassion user interface
The solution

A multi-stage solution from backend to supporter portal and gateway construction

Mudbath created a new architecture and code base for the back end. This included a suite of APIs that would link their Salesforce instance, their international API's, their payment gateway and their website.

Mudbath also deployed UX and UI improvements that transitioned Compassion’s Supporter Portal to one that delivered a seamless user experience and was consistent with Compassion’s brand.